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R+F Filterelements gmbh

The future of filtration

With modern and innovative filtration, we optimise your production
and reduce your ecological footprint.

Air/gas filtration

Filtration of microparticles from air and gas streams.

Water filtration

Filtration of microparticles from wastewater by pile filter cloths.

Oil filtration

Filtration of microparticles    from lubricating oil.

Solid-Liquid separation

Innovative media for solid-liquid separation.

Reinforcment fabrics

Stabilisation and support of conveyor belts.


Christopher Franke

Christopher Franke

Managing Director

Sales & Marketing

Anna Rippel

Anna Rippel

Managing Director

Research & Development

R+F FilterElements GmbH

Welcome to R+F FilterElements GmbH, a leading provider of modern, innovative, and efficient filtration solutions. Our company is dedicated to resource-saving filter media and the promotion of sustainable, CO2-saving production. At R+F FilterElements, we pride ourselves on utilizing cutting-edge micro- and nanofiltration techniques to deliver superior filtration results across a wide range of industrial applications. With our commitment to innovation and efficiency, we help our clients to achieve their filtration goals while minimizing their impact on the environment. Whether you are looking for a customized solution for your unique filtration needs or a high-quality product from our range of filter elements, R+F FilterElements is here to support you every step of the way.

Research & Development

The focus of our work is the development of new, innovative filter media for existing or new applications. We are happy to answer enquiries and advise, help or develop new solutions together with you.

The most important point is:

We optimise your production process through our developments. With our know-how about modern and innovative
filter fabrics, we optimise your process and either increase output or reduce costs.
Contact us now and arrange a free and non-binding consultation.


R+F FilterElements GmbH
Wollenweberstraße 25
31134 Hildesheim

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R+F FilterElements GmbH Aquatech Amsterdam Pile Cloth Media Filtration_21