Pile Media Filtration for tertiary filtration
The advantages of cloth filtration in the third cleaning stage are, on the one hand, the small space requirement and, on the other hand, the low energy and maintenance costs.

Pile Media Filtration for tertiary filtration
The pile filter cloths are mainly used in the third treatment stage in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. The great advantage of these pile filter cloths is that the pile fibers form a surface that is difficult for particles to penetrate. The depth filtration that takes place here ensures that the particles get caught in the pile fibers and are thus separated from the water. Depending on the fineness of the pile filter cloths (multifilament or microfiber), the filtration efficiency can be adjusted individually.
With our cloths it is possible to significantly reduce the values of TSS (total suspended solids) and phosphate residues in the third purification stage.
Have a look at our pile media portfolio
Our portfolio of pile filter cloths for the wastewater sector includes different versions for different applications. Some colours such as white, blue and green are already known in the market. We want to distinguish our cloths by colour and explain the added value of our developments. If you are using a white filter cloth, our orange pile filter cloth is an alternative. Our alternative to the blue and green cloths already known on the market is the grey microfibre pile filter cloth. Click on the images below to learn more about the respective cloths.
Service and Exchange Pile Media
In addition to the development and production of our pile filter cloths for disc and drum filters, we also offer, together with our partners, the replacement of pile filter cloths on your equipment.
Pile filter cloths on disc and drum filters
Disc and drum filters in combination with pile filter cloths are the perfect filtration system for the third and fourth treatment stage in municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants.
Pile filter cloths and microfiltration
Filtration through our pile filter cloths retains microparticles as well as phosphate and drug residues. A combination of filtration types plays a major role here.
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R+F FilterElements GmbH
Wollenweberstraße 25
31134 Hildesheim