R+F Filterelements gmbh
service & ExchangE Pile Media
To ensure proper filtration, regular replacement of the pile filter cloths is essential. Therefore, we have built up a partner network to support us in this service.

Service and Exchange for Pile Media
It is essential that the filters are inspected from time to time to notice any damage to the pile filter cloths. Basically, our pile filter cloths last for a period of about 4 years without any loss in mechanical stability as well as filtration efficiency.
Changing the pile filter cloths on disk filters is in principle simple but time-consuming.
Besides the development and production of our pile filter cloths for disc and drum filters, we also offer, together with our partners, the exchange of pile filter cloths on your equipment.
Together with our partners we have a trained and experienced team of service people worldwide.
Please contact us and we will check our possibilities.
Have a look at our pile media portfolio
Our portfolio of pile filter cloths for the wastewater sector includes different versions for different applications. Some colours such as white, blue and green are already known in the market. We want to distinguish our cloths by colour and explain the added value of our developments. If you are using a white filter cloth, our orange pile filter cloth is an alternative. Our alternative to the blue and green cloths already known on the market is the grey microfibre pile filter cloth. Click on the images below to learn more about the respective cloths.
Arrange a call
Feel free to write me a message. Either directly by
e-mail or add me to your network on LinkedIn and contact me there. I look forward to meeting you and talking to you about solving your problems.

R+F FilterElements GmbH
Wollenweberstraße 25
31134 Hildesheim